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Golden Leaves

Jerome Middle School

February 13, 2025

Attention JMS student! How would you like to earn a large amount of PBIS points all in one day? All you need to do is get yourself and your classmates to class on time! Anytime there are 5 or less tardies on a grade level's tardy detention list, all the students in that grade level that are NOT on the list will receive 15 PBIS POINTS! And that's not all! Anytime there are 3 or less tardies on a grade level's tardy detention list, the students NOT on the list will receive 20 PBIS POINTS!!! The challenge has been set: GAME ON!!! (Teachers do NOT need to worry about awarding these points, as the PBIS team will take care of it)

There has been a slight change in the dates when Game Club will be meeting in February. We will meet the last two Wednesdays of the month: February 19th and February 26th. We will still meet from 3:10-4:10 on both of those Wednesdays. If you have any questions, please talk to Mrs. Davenport.

Remember if you are tardy, your parent must either send a note, an email, or call THE SAME DAY to excuse your tardy. Otherwise your tardy will result in tardy detention the following day.

All students should have received a new lanyard and we will NO LONGER BE LOANING OUT LANYARDS! Students must bring their lanyard every day. Students who do not have a lanyard will need to do the following: Call home to have it brought in, buy a new one for $2.00 or spend the day in the D-room or PAWS.

JMS is excited to announce our next attendance incentive!!! Anyone who has perfect attendance for this semester will get to go bowling with Mrs. Ferreira on May 16th DURING SCHOOL!!!

Get ready for the Ultimate Valentine's Dance at JMS!!! Kick off your long weekend in style! Join us on February 13th from 3:15-4:15 for a fun-filled dance party. Only $3.00 to enter, plus a sweet bake sale to satisfy your cravings! Remember all school rules apply--so keep it classy, act right and dress to impress! You won't want to miss this! See you there!!!!

There will be NO MORE SCHEDULE CHANGES this semester.....please do not ask!!!

Spring Northside football registration is now open. If you are interested, please pick up a flyer from your science teacher.

Northside baseball and softball registration is now open!!! If you are wanting to play baseball or softball this spring, please come to the office and pick up a flyer to register. Skills review will be held on March 1 and 8 with league play starting the week of April 14th. Pick up a flyer in the office.

Jerome School District will be hosting a family night on February 20 from 6:30 8:30 PM in the High School Auditorium. This event is about Mental Health development and well-being of youth. We encourage you and your family to attend!!!!

We will be hosting a Staff vs Staff basketball game again this year on March 7th from 2:30-3:30! It will be $3.00 to enter! Come help support your favorite teachers.

A FREE Baseball and Softball Camp will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on February 4th. This will be for boys and girls ages 5 through 12. Boys and girls ages 5-8 will be every Tuesday from 6:00-7:00 and ages 9-12 will be on Thursdays from 6:30-8:00. For more information or to register, please come and pick up a flyer in the office. This skills camp is free!!!!

JMS students with an activity card will now be able to attend Jerome High School home games for free!!! You MUST SHOW YOUR ACTIVITY CARD to get in for free, otherwise you must pay!!!

PARENT REMINDER--PLEASE be sure to bring your Drivers License when you are coming to pick up your student. We need to run them through our system before pickup.

Parents: If you have a message to pass along to your student, please be sure and call the office BEFORE 2:45 (1:45 on Friday) as we cannot assure the student message can be delivered after that time.




Shredded beef pita sandwich

green beans

fresh fruit

frosted cookie


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