Title III
English Learner Program
Title III Overview
The Idaho Title III/EL English Learners Program's mission is:
To provide assistance to school districts in meeting Federal and State regulations in regards to the education of English learners.
To assist school districts in creating, implementing and maintaining English language development programs that provide academically rigorous and equitable learning opportunities for English language learners.
To promote culturally relevant and responsive curricula and pedagogies that embrace the unique identities of English language learners.
To help break down social and academic barriers that prevent English language learners from succeeding in schools.
The Jerome School District uses local, state and federal funds to provide services to ELL students. Each building has a specific goal to address the EL needs in their building for Reading, Math and Language Arts as well as help non-English speakers to learn the English language. Funding is used for certified FTE employees, classified FTE employees, and professional development as outlined in the Consolidated Federal and State Grant Application. The Jerome District has incorporated the SIOP model and has committed to an instructional coach who works intensively with individual teachers across all content areas.
The ELP Plan for the Jerome School District is designed to address three required topic areas of Limited English Proficient Students. Those three area of educational focus include:
1) Addressing the Linguistic needs of ELLs
2) Addressing the Academic needs of ELLs
3) Addressing the Cultural needs of ELLs
When students transition in the Jerome School District the ELL teachers from all involved schools meet in the spring in order to facilitate a smooth transition from grade to grade and school to school. Teachers will discuss student placement taking into consideration data including IRI, Access. W-Apt and CORE testing as well as grades received from the classroom in core content areas.
Documents that further explain the Jerome School District Title III EL program are attached below as well as documents that staff may need access to for instruction. For information on the programs in each school, see the district EL plan and if more information is needed, contact Kim Lickley, Federal Program Director for the Jerome School District or local schools in the district. District contact information is listed below.
Parent Score Guide English
Parent Score Guide Spanish
ACCESS for ELLs is a secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment administered to Kindergarten through 12th grade students who have been identified as English language learners (ELLs). It is given annually in WIDA Consortium member states (Idaho being one) to monitor students' progress in acquiring academic English. ACCESS for ELLs is only available to Consortium member states.
Kim Lickley
Federal Programs and Grant Writer
Jerome School District
125 4th Avenue West
Jerome, Idaho 83338
208-324-2392 X 1070