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Curriculum & Instruction

The purpose of this website, and the documents contained within, is to provide clear guidance.  It is not in any way intended to supplant the Jerome School District Policy Manual-it is intended to help summarize the educational intent of that manual.  It is also not intended to remove the prospect of Jerome School District staff from naturally contributing to the educational success of students.  The intent is to give a solid foundation for that work and to summarize expectations of the district in a clear and precise manner.











JSD Technology Coach - Darlena Ohlensehlen
Phone:  208-324-2392 Ext. 1080
Fax:  208-324-7609


JSD Curriculum Secretary - Jessica Applewhite
Phone:  208-324-2392 Ext. 1071
Fax:  208-324-7609



Professional Development Overview

Jerome School District has focused its Professional Development for staff into five primary "evidence rich" areas of emphasis. They include: 1) The SIOP Instructional Model and Instruction that Works by Bob Marzano; 2) An Understanding of Poverty by Ruby Payne; 3) The MTI Framework for effective mathematics instruction; 4) Total Instructional Alignment on Curriculum Alignment with workshops sponsored by Idaho State University; and 5) Content and Pedagogical Trainings.  The document below titled "Correlation between SIOP to MTI," diagrams the alignment as determined by the District of instructional focused areas.  It is expected that staff will use these techniques depending on their subjects taught to improve instruction.  Content area professional development will also be made available to staff as it becomes available.  Also posted below for review are the district general professional development plan, TSP and mentor Plans and the current district technology plans.  All these plans are reviewed yearly.


Verification of Equivalent In-Service

Any in-service credit, whether offered by a school district or another agency, must receive written approval from the superintendent or the professional development chairperson of an Idaho school district.

A form is used to verify that an individual has successfully completed a professional development activity and is entitled to equivalency credit. (NOTE: 15 clock hours = 1 in-service credit. A maximum of three (3) in-service credits may be applied toward the renewal of an individual’s certificate.) Partial credit is not applicable. Equivalent in-service credit can only be used for renewal of a clear Idaho credential. It cannot be used toward the recent credit requirement for initial certification or reinstatement.


Click here to get a copy of the form.

JSD Curriculum/Professional Development Director - Ryan Evans
Phone:  208-324-2392 Ext.1030
Fax:  208-324-7609



District & School Report Cards


Contact JSD

Tel: 208 324-2392

Fax: 208 324-7609

125 4th Avenue West

Jerome, Idaho 83338

District Plans/Notices

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