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Golden Leaves

Horizon Happenings December 2024 Parent Newsletter

Horizon Happenings

December 2024

Season's greetings to you all!

Winter is here in full force and recess can get very cold for your child if they are not dressed appropriately. PLEASE be sure to send your child fully dressed for outdoor play as we DO go outside nearly everyday!

This means your student(s) should have:

Warm coat




Snow pants (If they want to play in the snow when it arrives)

*Please contact us if you need assistance with a warm coat (Sarah Holyoak at ext. 4037)

We have a lot of fun community events that we would love to have you join us at. Dec. 6th is our viewing of The Polar Express at the District Office and we also have Homework Diner at Horizon on the 13th. Please come join us!

We wish you the best over Christmas break and hope you enjoy making wonderful memories with family and friends. We look forward to your student's return on January 7th when school resumes.

Peace, Love and Joy for the new year!

Jill Taylor

Horizon Principal

Amber Boone

Horizon Vice Principal


Please note: Grades 4th and 5th Graders

will be performing the SPRING Concert!


School is open and breakfast starts serving at 7:45a.m.

This is so students are able to eat and get to class ON TIME!

So, if you are dropping off your student(s) and intend them to eat

PLEASE plan accordingly so they at able to eat

and be in their seats at 8:05a.m.

when school and learning starts!


Hygiene (K-3) and Puberty (4th and 5th grade) Talks went fantastic!

Thank you Nurse Vegara for the great job sharing

important information with our students

to keep them healthy and ready for each day.




that meet the no tardies in December Challenge!


Enjoy your time with family over Christmas Break!

Friday, December 20th HALF DAY for Students!


(12/20) is at 12:27pm

December 22, 2024-January 6th 2025

SCHOOL RESUMES for students on January 7th!

Please schedule time away from school during these designated breaks

so that your students is able to attend all school days

and not miss out on important learning concepts.



It's the law!

Make everyday count!

Student need to be in school each day to learn and master all the necessary content to be promoted to the next grade.

Please make every effort to attend daily (all day- on time and no early pick ups)

Idaho Law states that a student cannot miss more that 10% of their school days. For Horizon that is less than 17 days for the ENTIRE SCHOOL year.

Chronic Absenteeism will result in be turned over to Attendance Court.

Chronic Tardies will result in meeting with Administration

and/or home visit from Staff Personnel.


Canned Food Drive runs all week December 2nd-6th.

Please help support our local food pantry!

Boxes will be in the lobby to collect

non-perishable canned food donations!


Come join us!

(Admission is1 Can of Food/person for local food pantry)

The Polar Express

viewing will be held at the District Office


Come Join us at

Horizon Elementary!


Please stay tuned for our next

Parent Team Meeting

the first week in January, 2025!


is coming soon!

If you would like to help with our

Horizon School Carnival

please reach out to Jennifer or Hilda

at our front office!

We would really love the help!


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