Welcome to Frontier!
We are so excited to welcome our students at Frontier this week.
The student can be dropped off from 7:45 to 8:15. Parents will be allowed on the playground with your student for their first day of school; after that, you will be required to check in at the office and get a visitor's pass. ALL students enter through the playground entrance and either play or go around to the breakfast/lunch doors. Please encourage them to eat as soon as they arrive at school.
We will release students at 3:10. Please be patient at Pick Up as students and all parents work through establishing routines that will help things run smoothly.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Routines:
Parents, we appreciate your patience as we develop routines for drop-off and pick-up at Frontier. We are developing systems that will keep our students and staff safe.
In the morning, all students will enter the playground through the black playground gates on the south side of the school. If they eat breakfast, they will go around the breakfast/lunch doors. If not, they will play on the playground until the bell rings at 8:15.
Buses and Staff Parking (Orange Arrows)
Only staff cars and Buses will be allowed in the southwest parking lot. Students and parents should not use this area.
Parents that Park: Front Door Pick Up (FDPU)
If you are a front-door pick-up, you will park in the southeast parent parking area or on the surrounding streets near the school. You must enter the parking lot from Glen Eagle Drive to park, NOT the drive-through-only lane.
Please use the crosswalk and teach your students this is the safest way to cross the streets.
Drop Off / Pick Up (Blue Arrows): Drive Through Pick-Up (DTPU)
If you are a drive-through pick-up and drop-off, we will only unload and load the first 4 to 5 cars in this lane furthest to the south. This will not be in front of the front doors. We need you to pull forward to the end of the lane as far as possible before you unload or load.
We are working on avoiding traffic backups on Tiger Drive. Your willingness and ability to follow these procedures will allow us to do this effectively.
If you want to change your pick-up routine, please contact the office.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. We hope that traffic will improve and be effective throughout the year.