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Regular Session Administrative Complex Board Room - 6:00 p.m.

Jerome School District #261

Board of Trustees Agenda

June 25, 2024

Board of Trustees: Zone 1 Liz Bingham, Zone 2 Shane Humphries, 

Zone 3 Jeff Schroeder, Zone 4 Annette Lott, Zone 5 Staci Leavitt

Superintendent Dr. Patrick Charlton, 

Assistant Superintendent Wendy Ohlensehlen,

Business Manager Brian Bridwell, Clerk Lorri Prescott

“The Jerome School Board of Education is committed to supporting students’ need to graduate from high school equipped with the character, skills and knowledge to successfully enter work or postsecondary training. “

The Jerome School District School Board Meetings will be conducted in person and

available by audio as a courtesy to Jerome School District staff and patrons.

(The meetings will not be recorded.)

The board meeting will be available by audio to the public through the following link:

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 470-705-3645 PIN: ‪911 806 151# 


All public comments or questions will be accepted in written form and can be sent to the District Clerk

 via email to


  1. Call to Order 6:00 p.m. 

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Staci Leavitt.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance - led by District Clerk Lorri Prescott

  1. Waive reading of the minutes of the previous board meeting as submitted to each board member.

  2. Approval of AgendaA motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to waive the reading of the minutes of the previous board meeting and approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

  1. Annual Budget HearingThe annual budget hearing was called to order at 6:05 p.m. and ended at 7:10 p.m.

    1. Revised Budget FY23-24Revised Budget FY23-24 was presented for approval by District Business Manager Brian Bridwell during the budget hearing.A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Annette Lott to approve the revised budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 as presented. The motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesAnnette Lott

ABSTAIN: Jeff Schroeder

  1. Proposed Budget FY24-25Proposed Budget FY24-25 was presented by District Business Manager Brian Bridwell during the budget hearing.A motion was made by Shane Humphries seconded by Annette Lott to adopt the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25 as presented. The motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci Leavitt

Shane HumphriesAnnette LottABSTAIN: Jeff Schroeder

  1. Consent Agenda 

    1. Approval of Previous Minutes

      1. Regular Meeting May 28, 2024

    2. Financial Report 

      1. Cash Report

        1. Reconciliation Report

      2. Accrual Report

        1. Revenue and Expense Summary 

        2. Balance Sheet 

  1. Building Financial Reports

    1. Jefferson Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

    2. Frontier Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

    3. Horizon Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

    4. Summit Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

    5. Jerome Middle School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

    6. Jerome High School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

    7. Falls City Academy – Reconciliation – Check Register – Balance Sheet

    8. Special Services -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

  1. Personnel

    1. Retirements 2024-25

    2. Resignations 2023-24

    3. New Hires 2023-24

      1. Frontier Elementary School Custodian Night Building – Yesike Paola Ramirez Nolasco

    4. Resignations 2024-25

      1. Jerome School District Assistant Superintendent/Curriculum Director – Wendy Ohlensehlen

      2. Jerome High School Teacher Physical Education Secondary – Aaron Jackson

      3. Summit Elementary School Para Professional Special Education Extended – Danielle Perkins

      4. Jefferson Elementary School Para Professional Building – Kari Dooley

      5. Jerome High School Para Professional Special Education Extended – Colleen Bettinson-Speaker

      6. Jerome High School Assistant Coach Softball – Karly Hudelson

      7. Jerome High School Assistant Coach Softball – David Garcia

      8. Jerome High School Head Coach Wrestling – Ted Larsen

      9. Jerome Middle School Coach Dance Team – Jazmine Mack

      10. Horizon Elementary School Para Professional Special Education – Kayla Peterson

    5. Transfers 2024-25

      1. Jerome High School Teacher Drama Theater - Sharmy Steele

      2. Frontier Elementary School Para Professional ELL – Eva Cisneros Lopez

      3. Frontier Elementary School Secretary Building – Trina Baird

      4. Horizon Elementary School Para Professional Building – Amy Pierson

      5. Horizon Elementary School Para Professional Building – Jazmin Becker

      6. Jerome School District Curriculum Department Secretary – Jessica Applewhite

      7. Jerome Middle School Teacher Special Education Extended – Jonathan Harper

      8. Jerome High School Para Professional Special Education Extended – Raedeen Mitchell

      9. Jerome High School Para Professional Special Education – Vanessa Kortright

      10. Jerome High School Para Professional Special Education – Kristi Eudey

      11. Jefferson Elementary School Secretary Building – Lidya Diaz

      12. Jerome Middle School Para Professional Special Education – Maria Alvarado

      13. Frontier Elementary School Para Professional Behavior – Christina Vazquez

    6. New Hires 2024-25

      1. Horizon Elementary School Teacher Grade 4 – Megan Peters

      2. Summit Elementary School Teacher Grade 5 – Veronica Rodriguez

      3. Falls City Academy Teacher Physical Education / Health – Morgan Durham

      4. Summit Elementary School Para Professional Building – Mariena Rabourn

      5. Summit Elementary School Para Professional Building – Heather Brewster

      6. Summit Elementary School Para Professional Special Education Extended – Erika Torres

      7. Summit Elementary School Para Professional Special Education Extended – Victoria Shenton

      8. Summit Elementary School Community School Coordinator – Gabriela Urrutia Flores

      9. Jefferson Elementary School Para Professional ELL – Anais Perez

      10. Jefferson Elementary School Para Professional Special Education – Silvina Treyes

      11. Jerome High School Advisor Environthon and Quiz Bowl (.5 FTE) – Dallin Peterson

      12. Jerome Middle School Teacher English Language Arts – Gabriella Owens

      13. Summit Elementary School Teacher Grade 3 – Elizabeth Greely

      14. Jerome Middle School Para Professional Special Education – Amy Hadley

      15. Jerome High School Para Professional Special Education Extended – Dana Kincaid

      16. Jefferson Elementary School Teacher English Language Learner – Larisa Thorne

      17. Jerome High School Teacher Special Education – Mayra Byeon

      18. Jerome Middle School Para Professional CLAWS – Anisha Cenarrusa

      19. Jerome Middle School Teacher English Language Arts – Ryan Bailey

      20. Summit Elementary School Teacher Kindergarten – Nicole Rogers

      21. Jerome High School Assistant Coach Swim Team – Rebecca Hyde

      22. Jerome Middle School Para Professional Special Education – Kipp PowellA motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

  1. Scheduled Visitors: No Scheduled Visitors for June 2024.

  2. Audience of Citizens: No Audience of Citizens for June 2024.

  3. Committee Reports/Correspondence to the Board: Trustee Jeff Schroeder reported on the Idaho School Board Association Leadership Seminar attended in May, 2024, and shared valuable information with district trustees. 

  4. Reports (Information)

    1. Superintendent’s Report: Trustees welcomed 2024-25 Superintendent Brent Johnson to the district and Superintendent Johnson reported that he is working towards improving communications between administration, trustees, staff and community members and will collaborate with all stakeholders to improve the learning environment for all students.

    2. Trustees Report: 

      1. Schedule Work Session in July to set board goals and plan to add students to school board as advisory members.

        1. Involving Students in Board Meetings Program Implementation

Trustees scheduled a special meeting for August 6, 2024 from 10 am to 1 pm.

  1. Finance 101 possible professional development opportunity for Trustees and Staff: outline of plans to offer staff the opportunity to learn about district and school finance procedures during the school year presented to trustees.

  1. Approval of Bills

    1. Bills Approval: A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Annette Lott to approve the bills as presented. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

  1. Board Business 

    1. Continuing Business

      1. Consideration to Re-Schedule Board Meeting in October, 2024A motion was made by Annette Lott and seconded by Shane Humphries to move the October 2024, school board meeting to October 15, 2024, to alleviate the scheduling conflict of parent teacher conferences on October 22, 2024. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

  1. Bus Routes, Safety Busing Routes, Bus Stop Requests (Information)

  2. Policy 2705 Military Compact Waiver (1st Reading – Information)

  3. Policy 3060 Education of Homeless Children (1st Reading – Information)

  4. Policy 5360 Dress and Appearance (1st Reading – Information)

  5. Policy 5407 Sick Leave Banks (1st Reading – Information)

  6. Policy 7407 Public Procurement of Goods and Services (1st Reading – Information)

  1. New Business

    1. Consideration of Special Education Department eLUMA Contract Services for SY 2024-25A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Annette Lott to approve the Special Education Department contract with eLUMA services for SY 2024-25. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

    2. Consideration of Property and Liability Insurance PremiumA motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to approve the Property and Liability Insurance Premium as recommended by Business Manager Brian Bridwell. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

    3. Approval of Jerome High School Out of State Travel Request for Boys Soccer TeamA motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Annette Lott to approve the request by Jerome High School Athletic Director Scott Burton for Jerome High School boys soccer team to travel to Newport, Oregon, soccer tournament in July, 2024. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

    4. Approval of Jerome School District Job Description Behavior Para ProfessionalA motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Annette Lott to approve the Jerome School District Job Description for Behavior Para Professional. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

    5. Approval of Jerome School District Schools Student Handbooks for 2024-25 School Year

      1. Frontier Elementary School

      2. Horizon Elementary School

      3. Jerome Middle School

      4. Jerome High SchoolA motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Annette Lott to approve the 2024-25 student handbooks for Frontier and Horizon Elementary Schools, Jerome Middle School and Jerome High School. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

    6. Consideration of Partnership with State Board of Education and Department of Labor for the Registered Teachers Apprenticeship ProgramA motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to approve and support the Registered Teachers Apprenticeship Program and partner with State Board of Education and Department of Labor. The motion passed by the following:AYE: Staci LeavittShane HumphriesJeff SchroederAnnette Lott

  1. Agenda Planning: for the July 2024 regular meeting the Trustees requested a review and possible updates to Jerome School District policies: #4210 Community Use of School Facilities policy, procedure and form; #5325 Employee Use of Social Media Sites Including Personal Sites policy; and districts schools’ policies in student handbook on student cell phone use in schools.

**Clerk’s Note: Trustee Liz Bingham joined by teleconference the regularly scheduled June 2024 school board meeting at 8:45 p.m.

  1. Executive Session 

    1. IC 74-206(1)(b)(d)  – Personnel or Student. Negotiations.(b)To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent or public school student; and (d) to consider records that are exempt from disclosure as provided in Chapter 1, Title 74, Idaho Code.

      1. Personnel Issues

      2. Student Issues

      3. Negotiations

A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Jeff Schroeder that the Board of Trustees of Jt. Jerome School District #261 recess into executive session in the manner and for the purpose authorized by Section 74-206(1)(a)(b)(d), Idaho Code, regarding personnel issues involving employees or student issues involving students of the district. The motion passed by roll call vote: AYE: Staci LeavittLiz BinghamShane HumphriesAnnette LottJeff SchroederThe board recessed into executive session at 8:45 p.m.The board returned to open session at 9:05 p.m.

  1. Consideration of Personnel Executive Item(s): No Personnel Executive Items for June, 2024. 

  2. Consideration of Student Executive Items(s): No Student Executive Items for June, 2024.

  3. Declaration of Zone 2 Vacancy on Board of TrusteesThe Chairman announced that the next order of business would be consideration of the need to declare a vacancy on the Board of Trustees. After a full and complete discussion, upon motion duly made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott, the following resolution was presented:

          WHEREAS, Shane Humphries has been a member of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 261, after having been sworn into office on January 6, 2022, after having been duly appointed in accordance with the applicable laws of the State of Idaho; and

          WHEREAS, said trustee has moved out of his zone and has resigned from his appointment; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33-504, Idaho Code, this Board of Trustees is required to declare a vacancy when the above stated condition exists;

          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Jt. Jerome School District No. 261

hereby declares that Shane Humphries is disqualified from holding the office of Trustee for the above stated reasons: (a) moved out of zone;

          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a vacancy on the Board of Trustees is hereby declared, which vacancy will

be filled by appointment within ninety (90) days, with interested candidates sending in a letter of interest for consideration within 30 days, by the July regular school board meeting, to the board clerk.

Vote being had on the above and foregoing resolution, and the same having been counted and found to as follows: 

AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott. Chairman declared said resolution adopted.

  1. Adjourn: There being no other business before the board, Chairman Staci Leavitt adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.



We take pride in our school system, and we as a board, are dedicated to the ongoing advancement of Jerome Schools.

We are committed to fostering open lines of communication and resolving issues efficiently,

to improve our school system for the benefit of our students and community.


We recognize that patrons of the school district may have concerns from time to time and may feel the need to bring those concerns to the attention of the school or teachers. There are steps in place for addressing concerns, starting from the closest point to the issue and escalating as needed.  


To best resolve these concerns, we recommend to our patrons to follow the steps below:

1.       The initial and most effective step is to address the concern with the staff member who is closest to the problem. In many cases, this will be the teacher, coach, or relevant personnel. Experience has shown that most issues are resolved at this level. 

2.       If the concern persists after addressing it with the staff member, we recommend bringing it to the attention of the principal. Many unresolved concerns from the previous step are typically satisfactorily addressed by the building administrator.

3.       If the concern remains unresolved after involving the principal, we advise taking it to the Assistant Superintendent and/or the Superintendent. Some of the more challenging concerns can usually find resolution at this level of administration.

4.       However, if the patron still feels that the concern has not been adequately addressed, they may exercise the right of appeal to the Board of Trustees. It is important to note that our board meetings while open to the public, are not public forums, and therefore adhere to necessary rules and guidelines for the benefit of all stakeholders involved.


The following guidelines will assist you as you present your information to the board.

1.       Preparation: It's important to prepare thoughts ahead of time and it is recommended to provide a brief written outline to each board member to assist them in following the presentation and making notes.

2.       Spokesperson: If a group is involved, selecting one individual as a spokesperson to guide the presentation helps maintain clarity and organization.

3.       Time Management: Presenters are encouraged to plan their thoughts to be as brief as possible. They are given a specific time limit of 3 minutes to address the board only on agenda items if they sign in before the regular board meeting begins. If more time is needed, they can contact the board clerk at least one week before the meeting to be placed on the agenda for 5 minutes. If you are unable to complete the presentation within the allotted time, providing a written document or testimony prior to the meeting is recommended.

a.       Direct Comments: It's important to direct comments to the board as a whole and not to any individual personally.

b.       Respectful Communication: Comments about individual staff, personnel, or students are not allowed during open meetings but may be discussed in executive sessions.


Following this process ensures transparency and accountability within the school district’s governance structure.  In most cases, the board will direct the administration in addressing concerns raised during the meeting. Please remember that some issues may take time to resolve depending on the complexity of the situation. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Working together, we can cultivate a united culture within our community where we operate as

one town, one team, and one family. Thank you for attending,


Your Board of Trustees, Jerome Jt. School District #261

District & School Report Cards



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500 Terry Francois Street

San Francisco, CA 94158

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