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April 3, 2024

10:00 a.m.


Jerome, Lincoln and Gooding Counties, Idaho

Administrative Complex Board Room

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the patrons of school district No. 261, that a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of said district was called to be held on April 3, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at Jerome School District Administration Offices, 125 4th Avenue West, Jerome. The purpose of the special meeting was:

1) Superintendent Search Process (Information/Discussion)

a. Hiring Best Practices and Open Meeting Law Overview

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Chairman Staci Leavitt and recognized Idaho School Board Communications and Programs Associate Katie Russell, who reviewed hiring best practices, open meeting law, superintendent certification and the applicants reference calls process, then presented the board with Superintendent applications,

2) Executive Session (Action)

a. IC 74-206(1)(a) – Personnel

(a) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent or public school student.

i. Superintendent Applications

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder that the Board of Trustees of Jt. Jerome School District #261 recess into executive session in the manner and for the purpose authorized by Section 74-206(1)(a), Idaho Code, regarding personnel or student issues involving personnel or students of the district. The motion passed by roll call vote: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.

The board recessed into executive session at 10:20 a.m.

The board returned to open session at 11:45 a.m.

3) Superintendent Search Process Continuation

a. Determine Superintendent Semi-Finalists

i. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Shane Humphries to interview applicant, Matthew Coleman, for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.

ii. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to interview applicant,

Douglas Erickson, for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.

iii. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to interview applicant,

Jill Hettinger, for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.

iv. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to interview applicant,

Brent Johnson, for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.

v. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Shane Humphries to interview applicant, Nathan Tracy, for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.

vi. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to interview applicant, Tyler Wardle, for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.

b. Next Steps in Superintendent Search Process

i. A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to designate Idaho School Boards Association to notify applicants of the trustees intent to interview and arrange twenty-five (25) minutes web-interviews to be conducted at a special meeting during executive session Monday, April 8, 2024, beginning at 8:00 a.m. with trustees to submit interview questions to the board chairman by Thursday, April 4 at noon. The motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.

ii. A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to schedule a special meeting with an executive session for Wednesday, April 10, 2024, beginning at 10:00 a.m. with trustees to determine the finalists for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.

4) Adjourn

There being no other business before the board, Chairman Staci Leavitt adjourned the meeting at 11:55 a.m.

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