NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the patrons of school district No. 261, that a special meeting of the Board
of Trustees of said district was called to be held on April 10, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at Jerome School District
Administration Offices, 125 4th Avenue West, Jerome. The purpose of the special meeting was:
1) Superintendent Search Process
a. Discuss the Superintendent Interview Process (Information)
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Chairman Staci Leavitt and recognized Idaho School
Board Communications and Programs Associate Katie Russell, who reviewed hiring best practices,
open meeting law, superintendent certification, the applicants reference calls process and next steps
once finalists are selected.
2) Executive Session
IC 74-206(1)(a) – Personnel
Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 74-206 (1) the Jerome School Board will convene into executive session
for any legal purpose including but not limited to the following: (a) To consider hiring a public officer,
employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be
evaluated to fill a particular vacancy or need, unless a vacancy in an elective office is being filled. An
interview with a Superintendent candidate will be conducted and applicant qualifications will be
A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Liz Bingham that the Board of Trustees of Jt. Jerome SchoolDistrict #261 recess into executive session in the manner and for the purpose authorized by Section 74-206(1)(a), Idaho Code, regarding personnel or student issues involving personnel or students of the district. The motion passed by roll call vote: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.
The board recessed into executive session at 10:10 a.m.
The board returned to open session at 11:30 a.m.
3) Superintendent Search Process Continuation
a. Determine Superintendent Finalists
i. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to name applicant, Jill
Hettinger, as a finalist for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the
following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.
ii. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Shane Humphries to name applicant,
Brent Johnson, as a finalist for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the
following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.
iii. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Shane Humphries to name applicant,
Tyler Wardle, as a finalist for the open Superintendent position. The motion passed by the
following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.
iv. A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Liz Bingham to designate Board
Chairman Staci Leavitt to contact applicants with the trustees’ decisions for the open
Superintendent position, directly following the special meeting. The motion passed by the
following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.
b. Next Steps in Superintendent Search Process
i. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Shane Humphries to designate Idaho
School Boards Association to notify the finalists for the superintendent’s position and arrange
district and school visits on Thursday, April 25, 2024, beginning at 10:00 a.m. with lunch
scheduled with Trustees at 12:30 p.m. The motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci Leavitt,
Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.
ii. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Shane Humphries to designate Idaho
School Boards Association to notify the finalists for the superintendent’s position and arrange a
community forum on Thursday, April 25, 2024, beginning at 7:00 p.m., with doors open at
6:30 p.m. and ending at 8:30 p.m. at the Jerome High School Auditorium. Questions from
trustees and all stakeholders will be submitted in advance for the forum, and concluding the
forum comments cards will be available for stakeholder feedback. The motion passed by the
following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.
iii. A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to designate Idaho School
Boards Association to notify the finalists for the superintendent’s position and arrange in-person interviews on Friday, April 26, 2024, at a special meeting with executive session beginning at 8:00 a.m. with trustees reviewing comment cards and interviews beginning at 9:00 a.m. The motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.
iv. A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Annette Lott to provide out-of-state
finalists with up to $800 flight reimbursement; to provide out-of-state and in-state finalists up
to $200 toward hotel reimbursement and 100% mileage reimbursement within the state of
Idaho; finalists must complete a reimbursement form, provide receipt of flight and hotel if
claiming the reimbursement, and, stipend will not be paid if the finalist withdraws their
application before in-person interviews or declines the position. The motion passed by the
following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff Schroeder, Annette Lott.
v. A motion was made by Shane Humphries and seconded by Liz Bingham to request from Idaho
School Boards Association to compose a survey and make available for all stakeholders,
community members, parents, and district staff members to submit questions for the
community forum and to include the role of the submitter, and the survey will close on
Wednesday April 17th with ISBA collecting question responses for use during the forum. The
motion passed by the following: AYE: Staci Leavitt, Liz Bingham, Shane Humphries, Jeff
Schroeder, Annette Lott.
4) Adjourn
There being no other business before the board, Chairman Staci Leavitt adjourned the meeting at 12:40 p.m.