The Jerome School District School Board Meetings will be conducted in person and
available by audio as a courtesy to Jerome School District staff and patrons.
(The meetings will not be recorded.)
The board meeting will be available by audio to the public through the following link:
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 470-705-3645 PIN: 911 806 151#
All public comments or questions will be accepted in written form and can be sent to the District Clerk
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Board of Trustees present: Zone 1 Liz Bingham, Zone 3 Jeffrey Schroeder, Zone 4 Annette Lott, Zone 5 Staci Leavitt. Trustee no present: Zone 2 Shane Humphries. Others present: Superintendent Dr. Patrick Charlton, Assistant Superintendent Wendy Ohlensehlen, Business Manager Brian Bridwell, District Clerk Lorri Prescott, Federal Programs Director Kim Lickley, Special Education Director Toni Harbaugh, Social Worker Rachel DelValle, Technology Director Tyler Wardle, Child Nutrition Department Director
Vanessa Fitzsimmons; Jerome Middle School Principal Nicole Ferreira, Assistant Principal Aimee Mangum, Teacher LauraLee Carlisle and Registrar Jodi Stewart; Jerome High School Teacher Nicole Rowley; JEEP/Kindergarten Center Principal Angie Brulotte, Teacher Stephanie Anderson; Jefferson Elementary School Principal Barbara Brown and Assistant Principal Stacey Demers-McFarland; Starr
Construction Representative Michael Arrington.
1) Call to Order 6:00 p.m.
a) Pledge of Allegiance – led by School Board Vice Chairman Liz Bingham
b) Waive reading of the minutes of the previous board meeting as submitted to each board member.
c) Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to waive the reading of the minutes of the previous board meeting and approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
NAY: Annette Lott
2) Jerome School District Presentations:
a) Good News from Jefferson Elementary School: Principal Barbara Brown and student council representatives shared events, activities and classroom projects at Jefferson Elementary School during the 2023-24 school year.
3) Consent Agenda
a) Approval of Previous Minutes
i) Regular Meeting February 27, 2024
b) Financial Report
i) Cash Report
(1) Reconciliation Report
ii) Accrual Report
(1) Revenue and Expense Summary
(2) Balance Sheet
i) Building Financial Reports
(1) Jefferson Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet
(2) Frontier Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet
(3) Horizon Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet
(4) Summit Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet
(5) Jerome Middle School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet
(6) Jerome High School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet
(7) Falls City Academy – Reconciliation – Check Register – Balance Sheet
(8) Special Services -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet
c) Student Report – Review of Jerome School District Schools’ Student Suspension Report
d) Personnel
i) Retirements 2024-25
(1) Jerome High School Teacher Mathematics Gr 9-12 – Gary Elsensohn
ii) Resignations 2023-24
(1) Jefferson Elementary School Para Professional Building – Petra Maldonado Diaz
(2) Summit Elementary School Para Professional Special Education – Trisha Adams
iii) Resignations 2024-25
(1) Jerome High School Teacher English Language Arts – Michael Jurgensmeier
(2) Jerome High School Teacher Mathematics – Melissa Valencia
(3) Falls City Academy Teacher Physical Education/Health – Hailey Holt
(4) Summit Elementary School Teacher Interventionist – Anna Simmons
(5) Horizon Elementary School Teacher Grade 2 – Jolinda Tatum
(6) Jerome Middle School Teacher Science – Joseph Hawkes
iv) Transfers 2023-24
(1) Jerome High School Child Nutrition Cook – Maria Solis Duran
(2) Horizon Elementary School Child Nutrition Cook – Rosa Helia Mendez-Alvarez
v) Transfers 2024-25
(1) Jerome Early Education Program Teacher Early Childhood – Amy Whitby
(2) Jefferson Elementary School Assistant Principal (.5 FTE) Teacher Special Education (.5 FTE) – Aimee Mangum
(3) Jerome High School Para Professional Special Education – Bernice Davis
vi) New Hires 2023-24
(1) Jerome High School Assistant Coach Tennis – Penni Aufderheide Keck
vii) New Hires 2024-25
(1) Summit Elementary School Teacher Special Education – Rebekah Roush
(2) Falls City Academy Teacher Social Studies – Stephanie Seig
(3) Jefferson Elementary Teacher Kindergarten Dual Language Immersion Spanish – Marian Chicas Castro
(4) Jefferson Elementary Teacher Grade 2 Dual Language Immersion Spanish – Francisca Peralta
A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with one change: to remove item: Jefferson Elementary School Assistant Principal (.5 FTE), Aimee Mangum, from the Consent Agenda under Personnel, Transfers 2024-25. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
4) Scheduled Visitors
a) Katie Russell, Communications & Program Associate, Idaho School Boards Association: Ms. Russell presented a brief overview of the Superintendent Search process and next steps for the hiring of the District’s Superintendent.
5) Audience of Citizens: Jerome Middle School Teacher and Jerome Education Association Co-President LauraLee Carlisle addressed the Trustees concerning the Superintendent Search process.
6) Committee Reports/Correspondence to the Board: Trustee Schroeder reported on the current district book study and attendance at Jefferson Elementary School’s multicultural event; Trustee Leavitt reported on attending the Teacher Advisory Committee meeting in March and the Horizon Elementary School visit; Trustee Lott presented information from the Jerome District Foundation concerning Mini-Grant opportunities for staff; Trustee Bingham reported on the visit to Horizon Elementary School classrooms and cafeteria.
7) Reports: School and Program Administrators submitted reports digitally to the School Board.
a) Curriculum Director
b) Federal Program Director
c) Special Education Director
d) Jefferson/Frontier Elementary Schools
e) Horizon Elementary School
f) JEEP and Kindergarten Center
g) Summit Elementary School
h) Jerome Middle School
i) Jerome High School
j) Falls City Academy
k) Child Nutrition Director
l) Maintenance Director
m) Technology Director
n) Superintendent’s Report
1) Construction Update: Starr Construction representative Michael Arrington presented photos of the construction project at Jefferson Elementary School; Horizon Elementary School construction project will be completed with stage curtains installed; Frontier Elementary School construction projects will be continued during spring break.
2) Jerome High School Athletics Report: Spring sports update: Baseball, Softball, Track and Tennis sports underway.
3) Legislative Update: review of current status of legislative bills concerning education for the 2024 school year.
4) Update on Transition to K-5 for Fall 2024 – Administration: moving details and plans for staff reported.
5) Food Services Update: Director Fitzsimmons presented district’s summer feeding plan for area families.
6) Superintendent’s “Listening Sessions” at Building
7) Kindergarten Registration for School Year 2024-25 – April 10-11, District Gym
8) Summer School Dates for 2024: list of elementary, migrant and secondary summer schools planned for 2024.
8) Approval of Bills
a) Bills Approval
A motion was made by Annette Lott and seconded by Liz Bingham to approve the bills as presented. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
9) Board Business
a) Continuing Business
i) Policy 2605 Advancement Requirements (Grades 6 through 9)
ii) Policy 2701 Middle School Credit Requirements
iii) Policy 4330 Conduct and Sportsmanship for Athletic and Co-Curricular Events
iv) Policy 5280 Professional Standards Commission (PSC) Code of Ethics
v) Policy 5500 Personnel Files
vi) Policy 5500P Procedures for Releasing Personnel Records to Hiring School District
vii) Policy 7260 Student Activity Fund
viii) Policy 7440 Credit Cards
A motion was made by Annette Lott and seconded by Liz Bingham to approve Policies 2605, 4330, 5280, 5500, 5500P, 7260 and 7440 and to delete Policy 2701 as presented for second reading and with one spelling correction noted in Policy 3523. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
b) New Business
i) Set Jerome School District Annual Budget Hearing – June 25, 2024
A motion was made by Annette Lott and seconded by Liz Bingham to set the date of June 25, 2024, as the Annual Budget Hearing date. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
ii) Consideration of Jerome School District Audit FY 24 and FY 25 Engagement
A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to engage Quest CPA’s PLLC to perform the Audit of the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school year. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
iii) Approval of Jerome High School Out of State Travel Requests
(1) DECA Club Travel to International Conference and Competition, Anaheim, California
(2) FFA Travel to National Land Judging Contest, Oklahoma
(3) HOSA Travel to International Leadership Conference, Houston, Texas
(4) JHS Band Travel to Music Clinic at University of Utah
(5) JMS Band Travel to Music in the Park Festival, Farmington, Utah
A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to approve the out of state travel requests for the Jerome High School DECA, FFA and HOSA students and the Jerome High School and Middle School Band students as presented. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
iv) Approval of University of Kentucky Education Agreement of Internship for Hannah Leavitt
A motion was made by Annette Lott and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to approve the University of Kentucky Education Agreement of Internship for Hannah Leavitt with the the Jerome School District Special Education Department . The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
ABSTAIN: Staci Leavitt
v) Policy 3340 Corrective Actions and Punishment (1st Reading – Information)
vi) Policy 3340P Corrective Actions and Punishment Procedure (1st Reading – Information)
vii) Policy 3345 Use of Restraints and Seclusion for Students (1st Reading – Information)
viii) Policy 3360 Discipline of Students with Disabilities (DELETE – 1st Reading – Information)
10) Agenda Planning: Trustees will scheduled special meetings or work session for April, May and July, times and dates to be determined and posted; Trustee Bingham requested an update on providing electronic payments at school activities.
11) Executive Session (Action)
a) IC 74-206(1)(b)(d) – Personnel or Student.
(b)To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer,employee, staff member or individual agent or public school student; and (d) to consider records that are exempt from disclosure as provided in Chapter 1, Title 74, Idaho Code.
i) Personnel Issues
ii) Student Issues
A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroder that the Board of Trustees of Jt. Jerome School District #261 recess into executive session in the manner and for the purpose authorized by Section 74-206(1)(b)(d) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent or public school student; and (d) to consider records that are exempt from disclosure as provided in Chapter 1, Title 74, Idaho Code. The motion passed by roll call vote:
Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
The board recessed into executive session at 8:10 p.m.
The board returned to open session at 8:50 p.m.
12) Consideration of Personnel Executive Item(s)
a) Certified Employee Additional Leave Request – P2324-21
A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to approve the request for additional unpaid leave submitted by Certified Employee P2324-21, and direct Superintendent Charlton to send written notice to employee. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
b) Classified Employee Dismissal – P2324-22
A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to accept the recommendation of district administration and dismiss Classified Employee P2324-22, and direct Superintendent Charlton to send written notice to employee. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
c) Approval of SY 2024-25 Contract Renewals for Administration
i) Assistant Superintendent
ii) District Program Directors
A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to approve administrative contracts for the 2024-25 academic year for the Assistant Superintendent and District Program Directors as listed. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Annette Lott
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
13) Consideration of Student Executive Item(s)
a) Student Discipline – Student D2324-04B and Student D2324-07B
Per Idaho Code 33-205(3) and 74-206(1)(b) the board considered two students discipline issues and took action accordingly. Such action shall be documented in the students’ educational record and is confidential pursuant to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other applicable state and federal code and regulation provisions and parents and students were notified of the discipline decision.
b) Declaration of Truancy
i) T2324-44
ii) T2324-45
iii) T2324-46
A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to accept the declaration made by Jerome School District Clerk, Lorri Prescott, as designee of the Board of Trustees, for students T2324-44, T2324-45, and T2324-46, as habitually truant. The motion passed by the following:
AYE: Staci Leavitt
Liz Bingham
Jeff Schroeder
Annette Lott
14) Adjourn: There being no other business before the board, Chairman Staci Leavitt adjourned the meeting at 8:53 p.m.